Family Offering
Envelopes: €275
(Envelopes & Standing Orders finance the running costs of the Church)
1st Collection (Diocese)
Blue bag: €330
(Priest salaries and sick & retired priests of the Diocese)
2nd Collection
SHARE – €280
*Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Monday nights;
7:30pm – 8:30pm
*Scripture Sharing
on Tuesdays;
9:45am – 10:45am
on Fridays; from
9:45am – 3:00pm
Divine Mercy Food Bank
Thank you to all the people who have supported our Food Bank throughout the year. Special thanks to all the schools, Scouts, Lions Club and other Parish groups who donated food in the run up to Christmas; your wonderful generosity has helped very many families over Christmas and through the past year.
Parents who wish to have their child Baptised are invited to attend a meeting beforehand. The next meeting will take place in the Church on Wednesday 12th February at 7.30pm
Christian Unity
A week of prayer for Christian Unity will run from 18th – 25th January;
The theme for 2020 is ‘Unusual Kindness’
Fr John will lead the prayer service in the Methodist Church, Lucan at 8pm on Monday 20th January
All Welcome
Christmas Dues
Many thanks to all who have returned their Christmas Dues offering. Envelopes are available at the back of the Church. We are very grateful to you for your generosity to the dues and to all of our collections.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Chaplet of Divine Mercy takes place here each Monday
2pm – 3pm.
Gluten free hosts are available for anyone with coeliac condition or on a gluten free diet.
The programme in preparation for Confirmation will continue on Saturday 25th January at 6.30pm Mass
Parish Choirs
The parish choirs’ practice in the Church every week;
Adult Choir on Monday evenings.
Children’s Choir on Thursday evenings.
Youth Choir on Friday evenings.
Parish Finances
We are very grateful to all who contribute regularly to the parish through the yellow envelopes or by standing order. We rely upon these contributions for the everyday running of the Parish. If any family needs a new box of envelopes please contact the Parish office.
Financial Debt Burdens
If you are experiencing financial debt problems; please contact any of the following services to assist you to get back on track financially:
Child Protection
Please see the Child Protection noticeboard at the back of the church for helpful information. Volunteers who work with children in our parish are Garda vetted and we regularly organise safeguarding training sessions for volunteers.
Accord – Catholic Marriage Care Lucan,
“if you can’t talk to each other talk to Accord”. Professional counsellors available for couples and individuals who are experiencing difficulty in their relationships.
We would ask you to keep an eye on the Church anytime you are passing. Please report any suspicious activity to the Gardaí in Ronantown;
Ph. 01 6667700