Confirmation 2025 Registration

Confirmation 2025 Registration

Dear Parents,

We are delighted that you have chosen to put your child forward for the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2025

In their religion classes the children will receive the necessary religious instruction. You as parents are the prime educators of your child and as such have an important part to play in preparing them for the Sacraments. You should show an interest in their school religion program and discuss it with them from time to time.  You should also encourage and support personal prayer, praying with them regularly.

Attendance at Sunday Mass is an essential component of our faith journey and we encourage you to attend the special ‘Family Mass’ each Sunday at 10:30am in Divine Mercy with your child.

Faith does not grow unless nourished by regular prayer and practice.

Unfortunately, our Church is facing ever-increasing energy bills to maintain the heating and lights for the benefit of all parishioners. As a result, we are asking parents/guardians to pay a registration fee €30 towards the running costs of the Church.

Payment can be made online:

Thank you.

Registrations for Confirmation 2025 are now closed.

Cathy Burke