Religion Classes for 2024/25

Religion Classes for 2024/25

As one school year comes to an end, we are all beginning to prepare for all that concerns next year already. A number of factors are now required to ensure the best Religious Education provision for your child/ren and are as follows:

  • All children will participate in Religious Education classes from First Class to Sixth class if the
    intention is to present them for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
  • All weekly one-hour classes will be provided face to face in a location organised by the parishes,
    which will be Divine Mercy Senior School.
  • It will be necessary that two parents, who will be vetted for the Archdiocese, be present at the class
    location for the duration of class times (two parents for the location, not per class level). If more
    than two parents volunteer, a roster could be organised.
  • Parents will make online payment for the classes and the Grow in Love text book in advance of
    classes commencing. The parish will pay the appointed teachers and pay rent for facilities from
    payments received from parents.

Choice of day and venue for classes:

The Religious Education classes in our parish will take place in Divine Mercy Senior School on Thursday afternoons at 4pm starting on 19 September 2024.
Alternatively classes will also be available in Scoil Áine in Lucan, beside St Patrick’s Church, on Wednesdays. Registration for Scoil Áine will commence via the parish website for St Mary’s Parish and will open shortly also.

Registering/Enrolling in the classes

If you wish to enrol your child/ren children in after school Religious Education you may do so via the parish website. The period for registration will end on 31 July as it will be necessary to have final numbers in order to organise the classes and teachers.

Cathy Burke